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Heritage Wood Award

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Heritage Wood Award
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Heritage Wood Award


Made with the wood salvaged from an Albertan grain elevator these awards are a piece of Prairie history. The wood has been shaped by the rubbing of the grain that once filled the elevator. This award is mounted on an iron base to symbolize the railroad that took the grain to markets around the world. A piece of acrylic is cut to the shape of the province and imprinted in full colour. The acrylic can be clear or smoked (shown).

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Made with the wood salvaged from an Albertan grain elevator these awards are a piece of Prairie history. The wood has been shaped by the rubbing of the grain that once filled the elevator. This award is mounted on an iron base to symbolize the railroad that took the grain to markets around the world. A piece of acrylic is cut to the shape of the province and imprinted in full colour. The acrylic can be clear or smoked (shown).

Additional information

Dimensions 30.5 cm

6.0" x 8.0", 8.0" x 10.0"

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